Creative Capsule has extensive experience with a wide
range of technologies including Microsoft, Java, Apple, and
open source. Our knowledge of industry best practices
allows us to accelerate development, minimize defects and
deliver scalable applications.

Our expertise extends to both mobile and web
applications, as well as integrated applications that can be
accessed from desktops, smartphones, and tablets. We
have experience working in regulated industries such as
healthcare and pharmaceuticals, developing applications
that conform to FDA guidelines as well as complying with
standards such as HIPAA and PCI-DSS.

Our Capabilities

Our Capabilities

Enterprise Applications

Enterprise Applications

With over 20+ years of experience in corporate intranets, responsive websites, user and customer portals, and e-commerce solutions, our team delivers high-quality enterprise systems. Our team has experience designing cloud-based enterprise systems and developing and supporting SaaS products using compute services such as Lambda, ECS, and EC2 in AWS. Our ERP integrations and CRM systems can consistently meet mission-critical uptimes.

We have experience delivering QA automation, domain-driven design, microservices architecture, ORM architectures, XSS security, and fault-tolerant high-availability solutions on Microsoft, Java, Open Source, and MEAN stack. We also have expertise in SOA, Web services, and PCIDSS-compliant payment solutions.

DockerMicroservicesHibernatePCI CompliantASP.NET Core MVCMicrosoftJavaKubernetes

Mobile Applications

Mobile Applications

We have extensive experience developing native iOS and Android applications, as well as cross-platform apps that leverage powerful frameworks such as React Native and Ionic. From Concept/Ideation and UI/UX to App Store deployments, we can help.

The mobile applications often have API integrations with sophisticated cloud-based systems (AWS or Azure) to deliver scalable SaaS solutions on mobile devices. Our expertise includes location-based solutions, mobile health, augmented-reality and social media integration. We have proven QA and Regression Testing processes.


UX / UI Design

UX / UI Design

We have expertise in Digital UI design for different device types and viewports and UX design targeted for specific demographics. We have expertise in localization, browser compatibility, graceful degradation, and maintainability.

Our UI designers are adept at using UI design tools such as Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, XD and Sketch. We also use wireframe tools such as Axure, Lucidchart, Balsamiq, Gliffy and UXPin to document user experience concepts and demonstrate to clients. This uncovers issues early in the development process, helping to keep the project and budget on track.

LucidchartBalsamiqAxure RPFigmaUXPinPhotoshopInDesignIllustratorAdobe XDSketch

Business Intelligence
Reporting & Data Solutions

Business Intelligence Reporting & Data Solutions

We build customizable reporting dashboards with interactive visual charts, graphs, and other third-party tools. We provide analytics reporting from diverse data sets and have experience with BI Reporting tools like Python, Microsoft PowerBI, Tableau, SQL Server Reporting Services, SalesForce, and more.

We have a professional data solutions team with 50+ years combined experience. Some of our areas of expertise are Data Warehouse, Database systems, DB Integrations, DB Performance Optimization, CRM integrations. We also have expertise in cloud (Azure, RDS), legacy RDBMS (SQL, Oracle), and NoSQL data sets.

  • Descriptive Analytics
  • Advanced Predictive Analytics
  • Text Analysis
  • Correlation Analysis
Power BITableauLookerPythonAlteryxQlik

QA Automation

QA Automation & Manual Testing

QA Automation & Manual Testing

We have a proven track record with test automation for web and mobile applications. Our structured testing approach covers unit, system, regression, and smoke testing.

Acceptance testing tools such as Cucumber are used in conjunction with Selenium, Katalon Studio, and Appium to verify the integrity of critical business requirements within applications after each build, while Applitools adds UI functional testing capabilities. QTest is also utilized to manage and automate test results across various products and devices.

Our process ensures the stability of high-demand applications prior to their release to production by incorporating extensive scripts using Apache JMeter, LoadRunner and other load testing tools.

SpecFlowSeleniumAppiumApache JMeterWebLOADNUnitCucumber

DevOps & Infrastructure Management

DevOps & Infrastructure Management

We assist our clients by optimizing their capabilities in both build automation and continuous integration. We help clients deploy industry-leading continuous build tools, including AWS CodeDeploy, TeamCity, Jenkins, GitLab, Git Pipeline, and Azure DevOps, increasing efficiency and improving product quality.

We have expertise in managed cloud hosting (via Google Cloud), network operations, IT security, continuous build process, server/VM provisioning and maintenance (including Kubernetes and Docker), DR planning, data retention, and scalable and high-availability infrastructure setup and management.

AWS CodePipeline
AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodeDeploy
AWS CodeCommit

Cloud 9
Agile Stacks
New Relic

Project Lifecycle

Project Lifecycle

Project Lifecycle Management

We provide essential teams and services for every step of the project. We have experienced business systems analysts for rapid prototyping and requirements specifications (HLR, BRD, FRS, TRS, Architecture Diagrams), project managers skilled in leading development methodologies (Agile, Scrum, Kanban) and QA engineers for manual and automated QA testing as well as other development resources.

Jira SoftwareSlackMicrosoft TeamsBitbucketGitHub

Our Expertise

Veeva Full-Service Content Partner
Power BI
React Native
Android iOS
Microsoft .NET
Marketo – An Adobe Company
Microsoft Azure Certified
Node JS
PCI Compliant
Apache JMeter
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We'd love to discuss your vision and how we can bring it to life.Let’s talk